Join the Rail Passengers Association Board of Directors
Join The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is the all-volunteer governing body of the Association. It consists of seven Officers (the Chair, four Vice Chairs, the Secretary and the Treasurer) and seven Directors (plus the Immediate Past Chair and Immediate Past Treasurer as voting members and the President/CEO as a non-voting member), all of whom are elected by the Council of Representatives, which in turn is elected by the dues-paying members of the Association. The Council elects the Officers to two-year terms every even-numbered year, and elects two Directors to staggered three-year terms every year.
The Board of Directors meets monthly over Zoom teleconference, except for the months of March and October, when it meets in person in conjunction with the spring or fall Council of Representatives meeting. It also holds an annual in-person retreat at a location chosen by the Board.
Among the Board’s duties are hiring and overseeing the President & CEO of the Association (who in turn hires and oversees the rest of the professional staff); making budgetary and financial decisions; determining the Association’s mission, vision and goals; and making strategic planning decisions. Board members are expected to contribute a much greater amount of their time and financial resources to the Association than the average member.
- Director (2 seats)
How To Seek Election As A Rail Passengers Association Board Director...
If you are interested in seeking election as a Board Director, please take the following steps:
Read the Position Qualifications, Descriptions, and Duties for Board Directors listed below.
Complete this Board Director Candidate Information Statement form.
Submit the completed form by the March 17, 2023, 11:59pm EST deadline.
Position Qualifications, Description and Duties:
Summaries are listed below. Complete Information Can be Found In The Association By-Laws
Qualifications - Each candidate seeking election as a Board Director position shall:
- Be a dues paying member in good standing of the Association.
- Submit the appropriate Candidate Information Statement form by the stipulated deadline.
- Be a registered voter.
General Powers Of The Board of Directors - The Board of Directors shall exercise overall direction and control over the affairs of the Association, including the formulation of Association program and policies.
Responsibilities of the Board of Directors - The members of the Board of Directors shall:
(a) Understand the purpose of the Association and have general knowledge of how the Association is functioning; assure adherence to the purposes of the Association and monitor effectiveness in achieving results and compliance with the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and the tax-exempt status of the Association;
(b) Set organizational goals and policy and oversee its administration by competent staff; review, adopt and monitor long-range and annual plans and budgets; review regular financial reports; ensure timely completion of annual audits and filing of required tax returns;
(c) Provide for competent legal counsel to assure compliance with applicable local, state and federal laws, including timely filing of reports and meeting procedures;
(d) Appoint and regularly review the performance of the President and Chief Executive Officer;
(e) Assure a personnel program that provides competent staff; assure that staff compensation and professional consulting fees are reasonable;
(f) Ensure adequate financial resources to conduct the Association’s activities;
(g) Provide for regular meetings of the Board of Directors and its committees with adequate reports on and discussion of organizational activities;
(h) Provide for prudent and sound investment and management of Association funds and assets not expended directly for charitable purposes, to yield a reasonable return without undue risk; and
(i) Protect the Association’s property, including reasonable provision for safekeeping, replacement and divestment procedures that will benefit the organization.
Directors - The Directors (along with the Officers) shall exercise overall direction and control over the affairs of the Association including the formulation of Association program and policies.
Requirements For Re-Election - Each candidiate seeking re-election as an Officer or Director shall have:
- Attended at least two thirds of the meetings of the Board of Directors held during the Officer's or Director’s current term of office unless otherwise excused by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Any person who was elected as an Elected Officer or Director in the immediately preceding election but resigned during that term and is now seeking to be elected again as an Officer or Director would have to attended at least two thirds of the meetings of said board while serving as an active director during the previous term unless otherwise excused by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. In addition, Officers shall have attended three- quarters of the Council of Representatives meetings held during the Officer’s current term of office
- Met the minimum requirements for attendance as a Member of the Council of Representatives held during the Officers's or Director’s current term of office unless otherwise excused by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
- Remained a Member in good standing of the Association during his or her term of office.
- Submit the appropriate Candidate Information Statement form by the stipulated deadline.
- Remained a registered voter.
Commitment - Board Directors are expected to:
- Participate in monthly Board meetings. Board meetings are held via electronic conference service most months. In-person Board meetings are usually held as part of the Spring Meeting in the Washington, DC area and the Fall Meeting held in locations around the country. Special Board Meetings may also be held from time-to-time as required.
- Participate in an in-person Annual Board Retreat, which may be held in addition to the regularly scheduled Board Meetings. Such retreats are held in locations around the country.
- Actively chair or particpate in committees, task forces or other groupings within the Association
- Actively participate in and assist with the Association's resource and financial development efforts & initiatives.
"I’m so proud that we came together in bipartisan fashion in the Senate to keep the Southwest Chief chugging along, and I’m grateful for this recognition from the Rail Passengers Association. This victory is a testament to what we can accomplish when we reach across the aisle and work together to advance our common interests."
Senator Tom Udall (D-NM)
April 2, 2019, on receiving the Association's Golden Spike Award for his work to protect the Southwest Chief